Sabo (OP05-007) (Reprint)
[Premium Booster -The Best- ]

Regular price $0.40 Sold out
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    Set Name: Premium Booster -The Best-
    Card Number: OP05-007
    Release Date: 2024-11-08
    Rarity: Super Rare
    Card Type: Character
    Cost: 6
    Power: 7000
    [On Play] K.O. up to 2 of your opponent's Characters with a total power of 4000 or less.

    Disclaimer: This card was reprinted from the original set with changes to the artist credit (note the lack of pen symbol next to the artist name).

    Foil Prices

    NM Foil - $0.40
    SP Foil - $0.40
    LP Foil - $0.40
    MP Foil - $0.30
    HP Foil - $0.30

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